You can create artwork
and show others your emotion or you can see someone’s artwork and feel the
emotions they're trying to portray.
You can be inspired by
an emotion that you've felt or you saw someone else feel. The slightest thing
could happen and would make a change to the world only the tiniest bit but if
it catches your eye your artwork could change the world greatly and change the
lives of people.
Artwork is a very free
but risky way to express your emotion because every person in this world has a
different opinion on things and for one person to like it could mean that one
hundred people do not like it, but to take the risk and put yourself out in the
deep shows lots of courage and pride in what you believe in. This is one of the
major reasons I respect artists, because they couldn’t care less wither people
like there artwork or not they just want to express who they are as a person
and their journey through life.